Good evening! The lovely Azusa Nakano Nendoroid came into my possession recently. So as usual I bring to you the obligatory uber-cute pictures of her! Here she is in her box.
Azunyan with her Cat. She is so cute!
Azunyan with her guitar. If you haven’t guessed by now, Azunyan is definitely my favorite K-ON! character.
And of course my next favorite character is Mio ^^.
Mio seems happy that she now has Azusa to play music with^^.
Concert for one?
The Nekomimi look suits Mio very well.
Thanks for looking!
Azu nya nya XD
shes kawaii, :3
Nice get at least mio is lot alone now!
Yea both her and Mio are really cute!
Argh…I feel a sharp pain where my wallet pocket is D:
I can relate… Once I saw her though, I simply had to buy her ^^.