Went out and bought mobip Ritsu recently. At last, my mobip K-ON collection is complete! (took long enough ^^;;)

As usual, I will do a little review of Ritsu to conclude my K-ON mobip review series. More pictures after the jump and on my flickr.
Went out and bought mobip Ritsu recently. At last, my mobip K-ON collection is complete! (took long enough ^^;;)
As usual, I will do a little review of Ritsu to conclude my K-ON mobip review series. More pictures after the jump and on my flickr.
Recently received banpresto’s lovely Azunyan Plushie in the mail. Isn’t she just the cutest thing your eyes have ever seen? I mean, just look at her!
You buy her over at play-asia.
Hola! So here is the third review in the series of K-ON! mobip reviews here. Today, we examine Yui Hirasawa.
Hello! Spring break is just about over here, and I have some random photos from throughout the week. Was great to have some time off for once!
Lets start off here in the village. Really nice area, lots of nice restaurants and apartments here. I should really post more pictures from around the city on this blog, but I always forget my camera >.<
I will make a point to bring my camera more often (although it probably won’t happen ^^;;)
Yet another mobip review finds its way onto here… this time its Mugi-chan from K-ON. Got her after getting Mio, and hope to get the whole set! (shame they don’t have azunyan T.T)
Huzzah!! I decided to update my blog header today to something more… nendoroid-ish. The old header was a bit boring (sorry, nanako sensei).
I kinda like what I got now. It will probably be changed in the near future though ^^.