Hard to believe it, but it’s been over a year since I’ve made a proper desk diary here on my blog. It can definitely be hard to find time to clean, and dusting all the figures off takes literally forever these days. But I had some time the other day to clean things around the house, and since I’m overdue to make a room post, I figured it was time to make a desk diary!
Not too much has changed on the desk itself, probably the biggest change is that I got myself a new pair of speakers! The black JBL creature speakers I was using for a bit decided to die on me, which I guess kinda worked out since I’ve been meaning to replace those for a while anyway. Decided to go with the Polk audio Hampden speakers mostly because they were one of the few speaker pairs out there that matched the decor of the room. The sound is pretty good as well, although I still kinda miss the studio monitors I had a while ago. The soundboard on the right is a leftover from when I used to have a full monitoring setup, but I still keep it since it makes routing audio from computer, phone etc much easier.
The other exciting edition to the desk is this SUPER RAD nonon keyboard, which I got thanks to my buddy VuJon (http://vujon.tumblr.com/) who hooked me up with the custom nonon keycaps. See it in action here:
Also on my desk is the prize of my collection: my SEKKOU BOYS trading figure set!
Shelves above my desk haven’t changed too much either, save for the addition of this very very nice Satsuki figure
I seem to have a thing for girls with bikes
Topmost shelf has another Satsuki (of course) in a place of great prominence. Still need to get my hands on the Satsuki figma to go along with my Ryuko one, & still need a Jotaro to go with my Star Platinum figure…
Messy wires under the desk still just as messy as before. I try my best to hide everything, which can be challenging with a glass desk that just has a few legs, but it seems to work alright.
The ever-growing nendoroid collection which isn’t growing as fast these days as I haven’t been buying nearly as much as I used to.
Those who follow my silly figure photographs know that I’m absolutely obsessed with the Kill la Kill nendoroid gang. So much so that I had to build my own mini honnouji academy! In hindsight building it turned out to be a great idea as it’s served me well for photographs, for display purposes, and it’s even been on display at NYCC along with being used in CM for GoodSmile Company!
Another bike girl added to the collection! To be honest I just bought her so I could use her bike for figure photos. Rolling girls wasn’t that good of a series anyway…
Thank you GSC for making this Sakura Mikudayo nendoroid. I’m not sure how I lived my life without it.
Haven’t done photos with the Nisekoi gang for a while… Never bought nendoroid Marika to complete the set, but let’s be honest Marika is the worst girl from the series anyway.
The Kongou sisters were definitely the highlight of the Kancolle anime.
When it comes to storing my nendoroid parts, I prefer to use these divider boxes as they seem to work pretty well for keeping things organized.
For larger nendoroid parts & other random things, these plastic drawers work well enough.
Opposite my desk sits my drafting table, which is where I create sets, work on school / personal projects, and set up photo dioramas.
While I usually consider myself a pretty neat & orderly person, If I’m working on something usually things look much messier.
I almost never throw away my old figure sets, but as time moves on they’re starting to take up more and more space. This NYC inspired set took forever to make but I’ve used for quite a few photos so far so I guess the hard work paid off haha.
Eren & Mikasa are still hanging up even after being there for over a year. A good testament to the quality of figmas
That’s just about it for now! Hope you enjoyed looking around my space
Really nice setup, as always! I’d love to have a room like yours, but my cat would “kill” my figures out of boredom in no time (and there’s no Ikea here T_T). Speaking of figures, it seems like your collection is getting bigger XD how many figures/nendoroids do you own as of now?
Thank you! I guess that’s the advantage of not having any pets as i don’t have to worry about having my figures being knocked over haha. My collection has gotten a little larger since last time, right now I have about 150 total figures and 75 nendoroids.
WOW beauty setup
can you please give the link of your wallpaper
its really give me chill sense
Amazing setup! Really wonderful scenery to see your neat but rich of otaku-themed stuff