Nendoroid Petite: B.G.M. Festival

Nendoroid Petit B.G.M. Festival Box

One of my latest figure gets is the Nendoroid Petit set: “B.G.M. Festival. It contains 5 nendoroid petit figures, featuring Uesugi Kenshin from ‘Sengoku Rance’, Asuka Watarai from ‘Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai’, Miyako Miyamura from ‘ef -a fairy tale of the two’, Otome Asakura from ‘D.C.II ~Da Capo II~ ‘ and Kirari Shiino from ‘Kira Kira’. While I’ve never played any of these eroge games, the characters in them certainly are cute. Might as well do a mini-review of them while I’m here ^^.

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Azunyan & Taiyaki

みなさんこんばんは! The other day I was at Mitsuwa Marketplace, and in the market is a booth selling Taiyaki. For those who don’t know, Taiyaki 「たい焼き」 is a Japanese pastry shaped like a fish that is filled with bean paste, and it is usually seen at Japanese festivals. I bought a few while at the market and thought it would be fun to do a photoshoot of Azunyan & the Taiyaki.

Azunyan and Taiyaki

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‘Nendoroid Planet’ iPhone app mini-guide

Nendoroid Planet iPhone App

For those of you who haven’t heard yet, Goodsmile Company came out recently with an iphone app titled Nendoroid Planet. Being an avid nendoroid fan, I was overjoyed to hear that there was now an app featuring nendoroids. I downloaded the app right away and began playing with it. So I though I might as well post something highlighting the app and giving a mini-guide on how to operate the app and play the game.

Above we have the main screen that you see when you start the app. Click the button on the upper left to start. Continue reading

Nendoroid Petit Lucky Star X Street Fighter.

Ive been wanting to post pictures of this lovely set but never seemed to get around to it ^^;;. Been rather busy hence the lack of posts… But anyway, today I finally get to do a mini-review of the Nendoroid Petit Lucky Star X Street Fighter set!

Lucky Star X Street Fighter set

Here we have the back of the box. As you can the set has the 4 main Lucky Star characters cosplaying as characters from Street Fighter.

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Fake Melissa Seraphy Nendoroid actually isn’t too bad.

I’m sure we’ve all seen the horror that is fake figures. More often than not the quality is rather terrible, almost comical. However, I recently recieved a fake Melissa Seraphy nenoroid that (in my opinion) isn’t actually all that bad looking.

Fake Melissa Seraphy Nendoroid

I got her as a gift a while back but unfortuantly the person who bought her doesn’t know how to spot a fake. I could tell she was a fake right away, however I don’t think she looks all that bad!

I mean, it is a bit obvious that she is fake, but the quality isn’t atrocious like other fakes I’ve seen. What do you think?

Fake Melissa Seraphy Nendoroid

Fake Melissa Seraphy

Being a fake, of course the stand she came with won’t even fit her. So I have to prop her up against something in order for her to stand up. And she has the usual problem of fake figures with her arms and other bits falling off rather easy. You can’t really pose her any more than how she is right now.

Overall, I think I will keep her. Heck, I will even have her on display! (not on my main figure shelves, of course ^^)

UPDATE: On a more serious matter: My heart goes out to all of those who have been affected by the earthquake / tsunami in Japan. I hope everyone is safe and hopefully damage is minimal. I wish I could help in some way, but there isn’t much I can do all the way across the world in NY. I hope Japan has a speedy recovery! 頑張ってください!!

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