Kill la Kill nendoroids: Mako and Ryuko

Kill la Kill nendoroid

Probably my most anticipated figure order for the month, maybe even the year, are the Kill la Kill nendoroids. After a long wait, Mako and Ryuko arrived in the mail just yesterday! I just couldn’t wait to get out and shoot with them since I’m a huge fan of the series, plus these two are just so adorable!

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Otakon 2014

Otakon 2014Phew, what a weekend! Following my previous post, we’re going to look at some more of the wonderful cosplay seen at Otakon. Since this was my first year attending this convention it was a total sensory overload between all the cosplayers, happenings, and excitement that was otakon. Still, I tried to take as many pictures as I could so that I could share them with everyone!
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Otakon 2014 Kill la Kill Photoshoot

Otakon Kill la Kill Photoshoot

One con that I’ve always wanted to go to was Otakon, and this weekend I finally got the opportunity to attend! Today we’re going to start with a post dedicated to the Kill la Kill photoshoot / meetup since there’s a ton of pictures. Anyone who follows me on twitter/tumblr knows I’m a huge Kill la Kill fan, so it was an awesome experience to attend the Kill la Kill photoshoot. Enjoy!
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AnimeNEXT 2014 Kill la Kill meetup

AnimeNEXT 2014 Kill la Kill Meetup

Continuing with my coverage of AnimeNEXT, we now look at the Kill la Kill meetup! Since I took so many photos I figured I would put the meetup in its own dedicated post where I could post all the photos. Lets begin! Continue reading

AnimeNEXT 2014

AnimeNEXT 2014One of my goals for this year was to get out to more anime conventions, and this past weekend I did just that! Today we look at AnimeNEXT, an anime convention held yearly at the garden state expo center (About an hour or so from Manhattan). This was my first time attending so I was excited to see what was in store. Needless to say it was tons of fun! This post is dedicated all the wonderful cosplay that AnimeNEXT had to offer. Enjoy!

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